Our Team

Definition Fitness

Daniel Knust

Owner and Founder of Definition Fitness in 2008

Daniel is a highly qualified coach, professional natural bodybuilder, powerlifter, personal trainer and mentor, who is extremely passionate about helping people achieve success through better quality of life, mindset, fat loss, health, strength and fitness.

Recently winning his professional bodybuilding status, by winning the State championships in natural bodybuilding, as well as the overall Australian title, to be crowned Mr Australia in ICN. Then going on to represent Australia at the Natlympia International pro show in Bali, placing 3rd.

Natalie Knust


Natalie’s passion for fitness training began in 2007 when she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease that causes pain and inflammation of the joints. In order to maintain muscle strength and joint flexibility, Natalie immersed herself in yoga and pilates.

She then further challenged herself and regularly participated in other forms of physical activity such as strength and weight training and teaching herself how to become a confident runner.

As her enthusiasm and interest in these areas developed, Natalie made the decision to make it her career and study through Fitness Institute Australia to gain qualifications in Certificate III and IV in personal

Nikita Soldi


Hey I’m Nikita,

I’m the newest coach at Definition.

I’ve been coaching people for almost a year now.

I started properly training just over two years ago. Before that I was scared and intimidated. I felt like I had no idea what to do. My training became inconsistent because of my fears.

I am now here coaching to help people feel comfortable, less intimidated and find their true potential.

I am committed to helping people achieve their goals whether it’s for strength, fat loss, muscle gain or general health.

My favourite training style is definitely strength training. Lifting heavy things just feels so empowering.

I want to help others to feel this way and fall in love with their own training, whether it’s for similar goals to mine or something different.

Training should be seen as a passion, not a punishment. I want to help others find a style of training that works for them and their own lifestyle.

I’m available for both online and one-on-one coaching. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!