
Natalie Knust.

Natalie Knust.

Natalie’s passion for fitness training began in 2007 when she was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease that causes pain and inflammation of the joints. In order to maintain muscle strength and joint flexibility, Natalie immersed herself in yoga and pilates.
She then further challenged herself and regularly participated in other forms of physical activity such as strength and weight training and teaching herself how to become a confident runner.

As her enthusiasm and interest in these areas developed, Natalie made the decision to make it her career and study through Fitness Institute Australia to gain qualifications in Certificate III and IV in personal training.

Now Natalie is a competitive powerlifter and ranked 9th in the top 10 for her weight class in Powerlifting Australia.
Additionally, when diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Natalie committed herself to modifying her diet to further manage her condition and independently undertook significant study and research in nutrition. She is now very knowledgeable in the relationship between nutrition and physical performance and intends to undertake even further study.

Since 2007, Nat has successfully completed:

  • 3 x Powerlifting Australia Competitions
  • Ranked top 10 in Australia in her weight class
  • Pre and Post Natal Qualified
  • 3 City2Surf runs
  • Sutherland2Surf
  • Sydney Half Marathon
  • 2012 Urbanathlon
  • 2011 Warrior Dash
  • 1 Day Eugene Teo Muscle Mapping Workshop

Natalie Specialises in:

  • Pre and Post Natal coaching
  • Weight loss
  • Chad Wesley Smith Powerlifting Seminar
  • Nutrition
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Core strength